Conference Survey Report

Day One Highlights
Day Two Highlights
...One Man at a Time
Conference Survey Report
Black Men Healing Conferences
S.O.B. Awards
Samuel Simmons Consulting


·        32% was Male and 62% Female.

·        65% was African American and 30% was Non-African American.

·        84% work with African American men.

·        86% attended both days of the conference.


·        97% stated they clearly understood conference goals and expectations.

·        92% stated they gained information and/or skills that will benefit them in their work.

·        89% stated they gained information and/or skills that will benefit them in their lives.

·        100% stated they would tell a close friend about the conference.

·         89% stated the conference met their expectations.

THE CONFERENCE: they rated following excellent or very good:

·        The Topics: 94%

·        Speakers/Presenters: 100%

·        Lectures/Breakout Discussions: 98%

·        Quality of the conference: 97%

·        Registration: 97%

·        The Venue: 100%


·        “More emphasis on solutions.”

·        “Liked addition of theme books for notes.”

·        “Try to include more young men & teenaged boys.”

·         “Maybe offer workshops twice so one can attend more.”

·        “Could you bring in Dr. Joy DeGruy Leary or Dr. Na'im Akbar.”

·        “I really feel that the conference should be two full days with more workshops.”

·        “I wish I had access to/earlier ability to advertize conference to more professionals.”

·        To reach more people of African descent, especially Africans who are new to USA!

·        “Handouts would be nice at the time of the conference or by email prior to conference.”

·        “Concrete specific application of action plan to apply: ending…teen pregnancy….actual community opportunities.”

·         “I want a little more about how to be involved in doing the work after/every day & building the movement to do this.”


·        Excellent!

·        “Great job!”

·         “Well Done!”

·         “This was great!”

·        Great Conference!!!

·        Great group of presenters.

·        “Excellent, loved it! Fantastic!!”

·        “Excellent presentation, William Oliver.”

·        “This is what a conference should be like.”

·        I hope to bring my son/grandson next year.

·        “It was a wonderful learning. I just enjoyed the experience.”

·        “I look forward to recommending next year’s conference to many others.

·        “The very best conference because of presenters, organization, venues and topics.”

·        Outstanding conference, truly eye opening, transforming. Great for my work and my personal growth.

·        “I enjoyed each day and each presenter. They were very informed people. Please continue the good work. I appreciate all you do to pull this together.”

 PO Box 6120 * Minneapolis, MN 55406