Day One Highlights
Day Two Highlights
...One Man at a Time
Conference Survey Report
Black Men Healing Conferences
S.O.B. Awards
Samuel Simmons Consulting

The theme for the 2011 conference was Wellness and Accountability.


The importance of clinicians, African American men and the community being aware of the historical trauma to promote wellness and accountability.


Objectives were:


·        Participants will learn about the link between the intergenerational trauma and issues associated with violence, educational system, chemical use, relationships, corrections, poverty, etc that act as barriers to effective service outcomes.


·        Participants will learn about and discuss current trauma informed projects and culturally competent and/or community based best practices in development.


·        Participants will learn about and discuss the importance of clinicians, the community and clients being aware of the trauma link to improve collaboration and outcomes.

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For more information 612-721-0106 or brothershealing@comcast.net

Some change is just about being brave enough to get out the box.”

Uncle Big

 PO Box 6120 * Minneapolis, MN 55406